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Puppy grandma!~!

Well who would have thunk it! My sons friend got a new puppy and couldn't keep it. So my son volunteered. He hadn't even told his wife (YIKES!) Well, to make a long story short....... We are already puppy sitting! Yep! They dropped the little critter off yesterday and it was like pulling teeth to get them to leave. Imagine that. Mother of 4 boys, 1 daughter-in-law, 6 koi, 1 guinea pig, 2 dogs, 6 bazillion polly wogs.......RN!! being disqualified at the last minuet because of doubts about leaving him....ROFL Needless to say we hustled them out the door so we could get to play time. BUT! not before they brought in the cage with his special baby blankets, a DIAPER bag full of puppy clothing (as IF I am gong to change his clothing more than once a day!) toys, food & treats. This is going to be an exciting week-end I must say for sure!

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